May 8, 2024

Best Yoga Ashram in India

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Best Yoga Ashram in India




Himalayan Yogi Ajay developed Himalayan Yogistic Community to share his 20 years of experience with this expansive, life-affirming practice to people around the world. Himalayan Yogistic means to connect with all Yogic tools in our daily life and self-development physically, mentally, and spiritually. The Himalayan Yogistic brings forward Holistic Yogistic for Transformation, embracing all kinds of Yoga Asana, Breathwork, Mantras, meditation, and yogic wisdom are all artfully sequenced in each class. If you want to transform yourself into a real yogi, now it’s time to take action. Join one of Our 100, 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training courses (YTT) or retreat program and embark on the transformational journey of a whole life. Classical Kundalini Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, offered a 4-week residential program designed by the Himalayan Yogistic Community – an accomplished yogi of the highest order. This is an unparalleled opportunity for self-transformation and realization through an experiential understanding of ancient yogic practices in the powerfully consecrated space of the ashram. Best Yoga Ashram in Agonda Beach Goa at Himalaya Yogistic Village offer 100&200 Hour Multi-style Yoga Teacher Training Course, Himalayan Asthanga Yog Yttc, Holistic Hath Yoga Yttc, Kundalini &Hath Raj Yoga Yttc and Yoga Retreat, Workshop program worldwide.



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If you want to dive deeper into the art of sequencing, understand the philosophy and ethics of yoga or you want to start teaching others, and share your innermost wisdom. This course enables you to evolve your practice and embrace a true yoga lifestyle. These four weeks in our yoga community will guide you to deep self-awareness and TRUE personal evolution. We explore the unique interplay between these holistic practices which allow you to focus inwards on your practice and spiritual growth!
We are beyond excited to be able to share the wonderful and deep teachings and practices of physical, mental, and emotional well-being and spiritual evolution settled in our Himalayan Yogistic Village.
Our Yoga Teacher Training is for YOU if you are looking to immerse in a blissful, sacred environment to nurture your body and soul. It is designed for YOU, if you seek spiritual growth, connection with like minds, and out-of-the-ordinary spiritual experiences that are deeply healing – Sound Healing, vegan nutrition- or Kirtan plus so much more!
YOU will be taken on a life-changing and uplifting journey for one month of spiritual and physical growth and evolution as we teach you our tools and holistic practices we are famous for at Our Himalayan Yogistic Village. Establish a profound and deep yoga practice, understand the philosophy and ethics of yoga, and share your innermost wisdom with the people around you.
All nestled in a paradisal environment, where the opportunity for listening and learning about yourself is created. From the moment you arrive at our Centre, you will feel the blissful and special energy around you.


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“Samatvam Yoga Uchayate”

Lord Krishna defines yoga as “Samatvam Yoga Uchyate”. Samatvam means balanced state, Uchyate means said to be.
Yoga is a balanced state. Yoga is a balanced state of the body and mind, emotions, thoughts and intellect, and behaviour. We are excited in the situation of pleasure or happiness and we become sad or difficult when it is a negative situation. Yoga is to maintain equilibrium of the mind in any situation. This equanimity of mind is the ultimate objective of yoga. We believe that being neutral in any condition is important once we start our yogistic journey. Thus, by sharing our authentic yogistic knowledge, maintaining the balance both physically and mentally of all the people is our vision.

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“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”

“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” is in Sanskrit word and the meaning is “The whole world is our family”.
Our mission is to make a big yoga family in the world and contribute for the universal peace. we believe that we can connect people around the world by using our Himalayan yogistic tools. No matter who you are, where you live, what you do, we are all connected as a family. We, Himalayan yogistic community, always welcome people who want to join us and respect each other. And we keep growing up together to have a higher thinking, better energy and peaceful mind to “guide” yourself and other people as a real yogis/yoginis. Once we connect, here is your spiritual home. We are the one, we are the Himalayan yogistic family.

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Yogiraj Dr. Vishvpal Jayant was educated and trained at Gurukul Kangri in Haridwar, India. He brings an absolutely unique set of qualifications and credentials from his extensive practice there. Dr. Jayant Ji is a master of yoga and Ayurveda.
He has received numerous awards from the highest authorities in India. He founded Kanvashram on 2 July 1972 on the banks of the River Manali near Kotdwara in the northern state of Uttrakhand, India. The Ashram is a traditional Vedic gurukul where students are taught in Sanskrit, Hindi and English.
It also features a Natural Health Valley, providing Ayurvedic treatment, herbal medication, yoga and nature cure therapies to the public. A second school, also based on Vedic principles, is an International Academy in the English medium (CBSE BOARD) on the Najibabad-Kotdwara Highway.
Dr. Jayant Ji has conferred the title of “Aadhunik Bheem” or Modern Day
Bheem in 1960, by the Indian president V.V.Giri.

[/modal_popup_box][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”753″ alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_circle_2″][vc_custom_heading text=”Kunwar Vikramaditya Singh” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:center|color:%23fe8800″ google_fonts=”font_family:Philosopher%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][modal_popup_box btnalign=”center” btnsize=”14″ toppadding=”15″ titlealign=”center” titletext=”Kunwar Vikramaditya Singh” titlesize=”24″ bodybg=”rgba(0,0,0,0.48)” btntext=”Read More” btnclr=”#dda654″ hoverclr=”#ffffff” btnbg=”#ffffff” hoverbg=”#bfbfbf” titleclr=”#efa947″ titlebg=”#ffffff” titleborder=”#ffffff” bgclr=”#ffffff”]




Vikramaditya Singh, the young ever curious lad as he calls himself was born in a Hindu Arya Samaaji Family. His upbringing in an acultural yet rational environment influenced him largely during his childhood. days, as he was brought up among Vedic Yagans at his home and access to a plethora of Vedic literature, compiled and maintained by his father in his very own library within the serene surroundings of their home.

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Daily Drop-in classes are the best way to utilize your free time and learn
new skills from different yoga experts. Drop-in classes also help to
provide opportunities when you want to learn yoga but you can not be
regular for the course. Experience Authentic Yoga Classes with Yogi Ajay

Drop-in Class Timing

07:30 am to 09:00 am

Himalayan Yoga ( Traditional Hatha)

09:00 am to 09:30 am

Havan / Fire Pooja

11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Classical Kundalini Yoga

03:00 pm to 04:30 pm

Ashtanga Yoga (Himalayan Yogic Flow)

04:30 pm to 06:00 pm

Himalayan Yoga ( Traditional Hatha)

Address: Arabian Nights Close to Dersey Guest House, Agonda Beach, Goa
+917351236024Fees per Class : 5 EURO / 400INR (Fire Pooja Session is free
for all)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]